Thursday 2 September 2010

September’s All About Games!

Hello Penguins!

Today, Billybob posted some sneak peeks at the Community Blog. September has just started and there are tons of games coming this month! September is all about games…

The picture above looks cool huh? So, what do each picture means? Here’s an event list Billybob posted:

September 3: The Fair starts! There are LOTS of games to play and you can redeem the tickets you earn for prizes. Remember, the games will only be up during the party, so make sure you check them out!

September 14: Your green puffles will be able to join you in one of the mini-games… which game do you think it’ll be?

September 24: Pick a team and hit the Stadium for some special game events!

OMG! September 14 and 24 sound exciting! I guess our green puffles will be able to play Jet Pack Adventure. Anyway, September 24 looks cool too! I think I know what that new game is about…

Make sure to come back tomorrow and help us track our favorite pirate – Rockhopper!

Santa Jr

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