Friday 10 September 2010

New Club Penguin Prizes At Prize Booth!

Hey Penguins, Today the Club Penguin team updated the island and have added some new prizes to the Club Penguin prizes booths! Both prizes booths have been updated and the prizes wont be around for much longer! Check them out:

                                              Forest Prize Booth (For Everyone!)


                                       The Great Puffle Circus (Members Only!)


Wow! You better start collecting tickets again penguins because these new prizes are really cool and they aren't going to be around for 3 more days! Don't forget that when you sign out your tickets will reset and disappear - so spend them when you are online! With all of this new items for the Club Penguin Fair madness, leave a comment and let me know what your new favorite item or is it the same at the Club Penguin Fair 2010 is! :)

Santa Jr

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