Sunday 19 September 2010

Club Penguin Game Day Released!

Hello Penguins!

Club Penguin Game Day is finally available for New Zealand and Australia! If you live in North & South America, Club Penguin Game Day will be available for YOU next Tuesday! Finally, UK people will have to wait until September 24!

Since this awesome new game is finally out, Club Penguin released even more pictures about it! Check ‘em out!!


GO GREEN! I wonder what the cannon game will be about! So, are you ready to conquer the Island? I’ll conquer the island with the green team first! Then blue, red and yellow.  Remember, this game is ONLY available for Wii. If you have more pictures don’t forget to send them to me! xD

So what do you think? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Santa Jr

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