Monday 13 September 2010

Club Penguin Series 9 Mix & Match Toys

Hello Penguins!

Club Penguin Series 9 plush toys were released a few weeks ago and today, Club Penguin finally released Series 9 Mix an Match figures! Some of them are new some of them are old. Check ‘em out!

 Red Football Player and Cheerleader: 

Wizard and Amethyst Princess:


Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl:


Gary the Gadget Guy and Robot:


DJ Cadence with Boom Box and Dance Floor:


My favorite one is the red football player. I wonder if Club Penguin will bring back Gary for Series 10.. I hope they do! Anyway, don’t you think Club Penguin should release NEW figures? They keep adding the same figures every single series. Could you please add more NEW figures Billybob? Thanks to CompassInfo for this pictures!

So what do you think? Which one is you favorite? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Santa Jr

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