Sunday 18 July 2010


hello penguins the stamps have been upgraded also billybob said that you have a book you can put them in also there not all in games you have to get them on the entire iland and some of them you have to find with your buddys AWSOME and then you have an album to show to all your friends and thats not all there is gonna be a special place were you get to show everyone the AWSOME stuff you do on the iland (thats what billybob said) i hope this helps you alot because i thought to get the drill stamp you have to drill the iceberg or EVEN TIP THE ICEBERG i know the surfer you have to get by going in chatchin waves i have no clue how to get the rockhopper one but i thought you might get to go to rockopper iland but thats just a thought i am not saying you could everyone thinks the crab one is you have to go in aqua grabber
i dont know about the dancing one but i think music jam will go on because the stamp is the background of the music jam banners


  1. cool dude this is benny85199 it is going to be so cool the stamps and stuff you should check it out on youtube it is so cool you can do it with your buddies!
    From the author Benny85199

  2. what is it called on youtube


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