hello penguins billybob just updated one of the stamps check it out also my friend pingu8600 thinks they are EPF badges or somthing how cool will that be a new update for EPF agents. I myself think it is somthing to do with EPF because do you remember in our latest field op G said someone is trying to ruin music jam proberlay (a certin polar bear) and in the other one is kluzty so i think it is to do with EPF also in other news at the end of the day club penguin will bring the new stuff to the backstage proberlay penguin band will take a break and new igloos will come cos i have thouseds of coins i am gonna buy the igloo first the instermenst seconed and fined penguin band last let me now what you think about new music jam stuff and these stamps in a comment
PLEASE POST IF ITS AN EPF thing because i am not quite sure myself