Wednesday 29 June 2011

Jordaie123's Party!!!

Hey guys Jordaie123 here, i know we have not had a party for a long time! NOW we are at the Music Jam Party! we will be rocking the island up during the party! here are all the details:

Server: Yeti

Starting room: dock!

Time: 8am PST (Penguin Standerd time)

Date: 30th June 2011

Your Host: Jordaie123

The time may change i will have to look into that if it does i will let you know here and twitter!

See you at the Party :)


1 comment:

  1. Hello This is Dr z I am a good friend of J I would like him to see my site
    and join it you could join to


Hello Jordaie123 here, you can comment on the posts here!