Sunday 15 August 2010

Art for Haiti Announcement

Hello Penguins!

As we all know the Club Penguin Team is giving their best. Cool with your help a new shcool is opened for Haiti kids see the image below:

August 14 Blog.jpg
It isn't cool that the club penguin team need your help to draw the picture here is the information on what do and don't draw

1. Draw between two and four penguins playing together.
2. Draw the picture taking place outdoors.
3. Draw penguins with only one or two simple items. Like hats and scarves!
4. Try to use five colors or less.
5. Use any art style you like! Pencils, pens and paints are great!

and here come the don't draw the information

1. Include any personal information (like an address).
2. Use any words.
3. Use anyone else's pictures.
4. Draw large or complicated items. (No Squidzoids!)

In other news: in the next few weeks is coming to the stage Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal

So Comment on your thougs

Santa Jr

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