Saturday 21 April 2012

New Penguin colour announced!

 Hey there penguins,

Club Penguin announced that the new colour white will be released sometime in the coming months. Many penguins have been really excited I will explain in a detailed description how we all knew the white colour was coming even before cp announced it:

  • Many penguins used 3rd party programs to get the colour white so many penguins already knew what is was going to look like on the penguins (3rd Party programs are against the rules)
  • CP announced that there would be a post about it soon!

That's it for now: In other news: Check back to the blog soon to see the earth day party post and guide!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Future Updates!

Hey Penguins, i just wanted to share with you the future updates coming to the blog

  • New Latest news improvements
  • New Music and themes
  • New Moderator Team and Author Team

Jordaie123 Animal Habitat

Hey Penguins,

As you may know the better igloos and igloo catalogs for April have come out and are bursting with new plants and exotic plants for your igloo in favor of the earth day party. The photo above is of me in my animal den also if your wondering were i got the snow leopard costume i got it last year's earth day party. The Club Penguin team have also said that the African Painted Dog and The Snow Leopard are returning for you to purchase. Comment below of what you are looking forward to at Earth day party.

Monday 2 April 2012

Site Under Maintenance

We are currently doing some changes to the blog so things might not be were they are supposed too but bear with us while we change things around.

-Jordaie123 Club Penguin Team

Sunday 1 April 2012

Jordaie123's April Fools Party

Hey Guys Jordaie123 here, well i wont keep you waiting but the party is TONIGHT here are the details:

Time: 11:30 PST (Penguin Standerd Time)

Server: Sleet

Room: Dock

Host: Jordaie123

Special Guest: Puppy Paws 3

Don't forget to bring party hats and puffles and JOKES!!!

UPDATE: Party is over thanks for coming :)