Saturday 2 June 2012

Club Penguin Marvel Superhero Takeover Characters

Hello penguins,

Here is a selection of characters that are coming to the Marvel Superhero Takeover party!

                                                          Iron Man
                                                                      Black Widow
                                                                            The Hulk
                                                                Mrs Marvel
                                                                       Thor the god of thunder

                                                                            Iron Fist

I hope you enjoyed the list more stuff coming soon!

Credit Goes to Happyblue128 for the awesome images below the line!

Saturday 19 May 2012

Gary tracker 2012

                                                              Online: Server: Tracking Room: Tracking

Or you can use our tracking chat:

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

Thursday 17 May 2012

New Super Hero Party coming exclusive!

Hello Penguins,

My good Friend Happyblue128 posted a club penguin video from their YouTube channel onto his website. At the end of the video it showed the image above! What do you think? by the looks of the image it sounds like everyone will become Marvel characters my Favorite is the Hulk whats yours?

Comment below your thoughts and ideas!

Medieval Party 2012

Hello Penguins,

The Medieval party has arrived and knights and dragons alike are doing battle! Here are the highlights:

Royal Kingdom: The Royal Kingdom lies in ruins and everyone has been turned to stone but there has been some stone scorn has cursed....

Mushroom Kingdom: Here you can get the Ball of pure starlight item also it is rumored Gary The Gadget Guy hangs around in the lab when he visits....

Market: Get the thunder blade which costs 1700 coins to buy, stand and wave with it to see what happens...

Fairy Forest Kingdom: Get the slingshot here to use against a certain dragon, also if you walk up to certain items you can hide inside them pretty cool!

Dragon Peak: This is near the Mountain Of Misery where Scorn lives so be careful!

Sky Kingdom: After you defeat Scorn The Dragon King you can enter this place Members: Members can get the sky staff which in the Town you can use it on the pad to let non-members into the sky kingdom!

Quests: Non-members can do quest 1 but members can do quests 2 and 3

Guide to the quests coming soon!

Monday 14 May 2012


Hey Penguins,

My name is Jordaie123 and i love to blog, hang out with friends like puppypaws 3 and just chill. I am very excited to be working on Club penguin Tour and i can't wait to start posting.

Monday 7 May 2012

Jordaie123's Adventures

 I was dancing in the Night Club Happily When i heard something......
 I turned around quickly not knowing what was there.....
 So i went through the secret passageway through the stereo and proceeded into the underground mine and checked the surveillance but there was nothing on it apart from a small tuft of white fur.......
                                             What happens next.... TO BE CONTINUED

Friday 4 May 2012

Message from Jordaie123

Hey there penguins,

The team are working really hard here at Jordaie123 Club Penguin to fix any problems you may encounter such as a not active widget or something like that. We are working around the clock to update you on everything you need to know about Club Penguin. So if you find anything odd please report it in a comment!

In other news: The Chat will soon be back with a new look stay tuned for more info!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Saturday 21 April 2012

New Penguin colour announced!

 Hey there penguins,

Club Penguin announced that the new colour white will be released sometime in the coming months. Many penguins have been really excited I will explain in a detailed description how we all knew the white colour was coming even before cp announced it:

  • Many penguins used 3rd party programs to get the colour white so many penguins already knew what is was going to look like on the penguins (3rd Party programs are against the rules)
  • CP announced that there would be a post about it soon!

That's it for now: In other news: Check back to the blog soon to see the earth day party post and guide!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Future Updates!

Hey Penguins, i just wanted to share with you the future updates coming to the blog

  • New Latest news improvements
  • New Music and themes
  • New Moderator Team and Author Team

Jordaie123 Animal Habitat

Hey Penguins,

As you may know the better igloos and igloo catalogs for April have come out and are bursting with new plants and exotic plants for your igloo in favor of the earth day party. The photo above is of me in my animal den also if your wondering were i got the snow leopard costume i got it last year's earth day party. The Club Penguin team have also said that the African Painted Dog and The Snow Leopard are returning for you to purchase. Comment below of what you are looking forward to at Earth day party.

Monday 2 April 2012

Site Under Maintenance

We are currently doing some changes to the blog so things might not be were they are supposed too but bear with us while we change things around.

-Jordaie123 Club Penguin Team

Sunday 1 April 2012

Jordaie123's April Fools Party

Hey Guys Jordaie123 here, well i wont keep you waiting but the party is TONIGHT here are the details:

Time: 11:30 PST (Penguin Standerd Time)

Server: Sleet

Room: Dock

Host: Jordaie123

Special Guest: Puppy Paws 3

Don't forget to bring party hats and puffles and JOKES!!!

UPDATE: Party is over thanks for coming :)

Saturday 17 March 2012

Jordaie123 Club Penguin chat

Jordaie123 here, You can use this chat to help you track for Rookie!

Friday 16 March 2012

Puffle Party 2012

Hey there Jordaie123 here, well as you know the puffle party is here and here are a few things you don't want to miss!

- Snow forts- Puffle snow ball fight and feed a puffle

- The Mine - Saint Patrick's day party and grab the free item

- The Plaza - Grab a free hat and jump into the play of the quest for the golden puffle!

- Ski Village - The puffle show this year is available to non-members too!

- Puffle Play Zone - Grab a hat for your puffle and buy a giant puffle costume - for members: Transform into your puffle and see the world as your puffle sees it.

There are also rooms dedicated to each puffle example: The ski hill is the white puffle area

We have Joined with club penguin leaders you can find their blog here -> for the tracker have fun!

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Rockhopper's Quest 2012

Hey guys Jordaie123 here, Rockhoppers quest has arrived here is the highlights:

The Migrator: It has been upgraded by G

Swashbuckler trading post: Load the cargo onto the ship or buy some gear

Dinosaur island: Trade items or get the gem

Shipwreck Island: Build the beacon then explore the viking cave

Also there is 2 free items in the cave and 1 on the beach at the start.

You can track Rockhopper with us!

Thursday 16 February 2012

New Author

Hello, Penguins!

I'm, a old member of this site, i worked with Jordaie123 years ago, when i quit working for his blog, you probably remember me from the sites i work, here is a picture from my penguin

Here, is my penguin, so what do you think of me! Let, us know in a comment below telling us

Santa Jr

Rockhopper needs you!

Hey guys Jordaie123 here, as you know Rockhoppers quest is approaching and he needs a crew. Gary the Gadget Guy is improving the Migrator to make it stronger! so we need to help you can go to the beach and play treasure hunt there.

Monday 6 February 2012


I am Pingu8600 and I will be posting on this blog, too. Even though I am an old member of this site, I stopped posting.Anyway, I usually make the backgrounds and other pictures so you won't be seeing me a lot :)

Friday 3 February 2012

Fashion show 2012

Hey guys Jordaie123 here, the Fashion Show 2012 is here and is a blast here is a few of the things you can do:

- Own the runway - show off your look

- Meet Cadence - Have you found her yet?

- Change the Lights - you can change the lights

- Backstage - help make the clothes

You can also find Cadence here with our tracker! For even more help Join me on my chat and remember the fashion show is on from the 1st February to the 14!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Website Update

Hey there Jordaie123 here as you know we have been updating our website for the past few days. The reason why we are doing this is to make it easy for you guys to navigate through Jordaie123 club penguin. we are also looking for your opinion on what you want on this website if you want your say send me a email via or tweet me at!/Jordaie123 you can also comment on this post.

Friday 27 January 2012

The Underwater Expedition

Hey guys Jordaie123 here the underwater expedition has arrived and is a big hit here is the details:

- Beach - help lift the anvils out of the water to balance the island

- the maze - have you completed it yet?

- The Dock - clear the junk out of the water to earn a BG

- Ski Village - the cocohut bar is open to all

- The City Of The Deep - get your free submarine costume there and look out for a crab shadow....

- Island - Suspect #1 is missing

- iceberg - look at the almost sunk club penguin

also keep a look out for Rookie you can use our tracker here!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Membership giveway

hey guys here is a one month membership:


Be back to posting soon!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Jordaie123 says happy new year!

Hey people, I am sorry for the delay on updating and posting it was because my computer was being repaired. Anyways happy new year to everyone i hope you had a nice Christmas and a happy new year.