Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Jordaie123's Pirate Party!!!

Ahoy there Penguins: I am hosting a Pirate party very soon here is all the details:

When: Saturday 4 December 2010

Server: Wool socks

Time: 4 am PST (Penguin Standerd Time)

Room: The Beach

You can wear Pirate costumes to the party and eye Patches to the party. I will be dressed in my best Pirate costumes

P.S Only if rockopper were here Lol


Monday, 29 November 2010

New feature

Hey guys the new feature is coming Real soon. Just putting the finishing touches on it, and then it will be complete


Saturday, 27 November 2010

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Card-Jitsu water is here!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Penguins, as you may of noticed Card-Jitsu water has arrived on the island and is a GREAT game too!. Here is what you must do -
Open your map and click on the dojo courtyard, when you get there you will notice that there has been Card-jitsu objects placed all around the courtyard. Enter the ninja hideout (If your a ninja of course) then you will notice there has been a water stone put up and on it there is a note that says: New Game). Then click it and a door will open leading to the new water dojo. Once inside you will notice it has been built and all the decoy is up, then walk up to sensei's chair and speak to him Click on the stone sticky out bit in the lower left hand corner. Sensei will say that you look intrested in the place. Then he will tell you about the rain sign then the building of the water dojo then BOOM, to where we are Now. You can also fight other person by clicking on one of the blue mates. When you go up to Sensei he will give you a Card-jitsu water booster deck to start off with!
Have fun becoming a Water Ninja!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

stormy Sky's still here?

Hey guys i was waddling around the dojo courtyard, when somthing caught my eye. Some of the storm is still here, what do you think this means? is it going to rain again? or the sky will get dark again. Post your thoughts as a comment and let us know what you think!

Friday, 19 November 2010

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Breaking news: Website getting loads of new features soon.

You may find that i put up a sign that says testing. Well that's the new feature i am working on which comes out on the 30th of November. I cant give away much info but all i have to say is. You need a sharp eye to look for a white object. And you will be watched.

ALL for now


Wednesday, 17 November 2010

I met sensei, and saw his new playercard!!!

Hey guys i met sensei today, and saw his new playercard check it out: He said how are we doing on preparing the water dojo. I hope soon you will meet him/

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The water dojo Photo

Card-jitsu water highlights- almost here.

Hey guys, Here are the Card-jitsu water highlights

- The Water dojo, discover its secrets.......

- The forest help get the water supply needed.

- The underground cave, Cave mine, and pool area are flooded check them out!

- The water hunt for water objects - Walkthough coming soon.

- Watch the new extended Card- Jitsu water video.

-Be ready all begins November 25!!!!!!!!!!!!

Upated card-jitsu water video!!!!!

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Jordaie123's cp cheats chat party.

Jordaie123's chat party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW NOW NOW. it will be going on for 1 day. be there.

Penguin of the month!!!!

Hey guys its time for Penguin of the month:

Why is he/she penguin of the month: I love the clothes they really stand out because right now on cp it is raining. Also i like his hair because it looks like he went right into a puddle. I also love that he has brought a surfing borad with him. Because it looks like he is going to go surfing in the water.

This months's Penguin of the month goes to Coasterkid2


Friday, 12 November 2010

Ninja Meeting with Jordaie123

Hey guys Jordaie123 here with breaking news: I jordaie123 am having a Ninja party in my house, which yesterday i turned into a dojo.

Here is the important details:

When: Saturday 13 november

Time: 5am PST (Penguin Standerd time)

Place: my igloo which i will open up on the map at that time

Server: Big Surf


Note: you must wear your fire ninja outfit. if you are non member wear your ninja mask and your black belt. If you still are training in the dojo to become a ninja you can where any belt you have. Only if your not a ninja yet.


Thursday, 11 November 2010

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Igloo of the month.

Hey guys please can you go on slippers and open up your igloo's because its igloo of the month!. I wil be coming round and checking them, the winner will get his igloo on here as igloo of the month!

Good luck!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Stormy party!!!!!!!!!! With Jordaie123 Pingu8600 and Santa Jr

Hey guys Jordaie123 here me Pingu8600 and Santa Jr will be having a party here is all the details:

When: Sunday 7 november.

Time: 5AM PST (Penguin standerd time)

Server: Walrus

Room dock

WE hope to see you there.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Card-Jitsu water contest

Hey guys Jordaie123 here i want to know a ultimate guide to card-jitsu water when it comes out, so i have set up a contest. On the first day card-jitsu water comes out i will put up a post. in the comments you will have to tell me a ultimate guide to card-jitu water. Me, Pingu8600 and Santa Jr will decided on the winner. The winner will have his ultimate guide as a post and will also be author and admin. If you dont have blogger you can send it to me as an email at jordaie123@hotmail.co.uk. Good luck.


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Card Jitsu water coming!!!!!

Hey guys Card-jitsu Water is coming which will be very Awsome i have been wating for this for a VERY long time. I hope you enjoyed your halloween and i will have a word with Santa Jr and Pingu8600 to keep on posting. Sorry i haven't been posting i have been very busy in my real life. (REMEMBER) if you want to be an author contact me at jordaie123@hotmail.co.uk by for now guys.

